is a portal serving as a comprehensive guide to the USA. It is operated by a major travel agency ESO travel. The website ran on the RS Elvis system (ca. 2007), but in 2012 we migrated it to the Drupal 7 content management system, which seemed to be the best choice due to the intended intentions.
Compared to the previous system, Drupal is better because it is an open-source solution. It includes many functionalities for free, and new contrib modules can be easily added if needed. With the growth of the website, its functions and content, it would be necessary to redesign the system into another form over time.
Other benefits:
- the content of the website is completely stored in a database, which garantees better work with data in the event of non-standard interventions;
- content in the DB facilitates the deploying of search technologies and improves indexing, e. g. for site search;
- better work with URL aliases, their automatic creation, management of URL redirectes and compatibility of links;
- more comfortable work with the content tree;
- more advanced menu management;
- easier management of listing pages without the necessary programming interventions;
- new functionalities and expansion of the system according to current trends only at the cost of deploying further modifications (without the cost of the implementation itself).
Technologies used
- CMS Drupal 7.69
- PHP, Apache web server, MySQL database
- Sophisticated editing workflow
- Automatic integration with Google Maps
- Connection with social networks
- Tagadelic for creating a map of content weighted links
- Connection to the REST API obtaining trip data from third-party software
Before we started this unique project, the website remained unused, and there was not much time to create new content. However, the rescue work started by our programming and SEO team led to total redesign and attractiveness of the website. Subsequently, we began to fill it with engaging and high-quality content.
Portal content
The portal combines several types of content - from static pages through news to trips and car rental options. Editors work with a sophisticated categorization of articles that intuitively guides visitors to their interests.
The work on this portal was very complicated and time-consuming, so the implementation of the project took several months. However, our efforts have paid off, and now the portal regularly supplies all lovers of America with various attractions, videos, photos and information from the USA.
Interactive content components not only offers ordinary textual content, but there was also an effort to make the website partially interactive. It is worth mentioning the interactive map of the USA (see Fig. 1). After clicking on a particular state, all possible information about that given state will be displayed. This is not only a basic description but also, for example, a list of interesting places worth visiting, videos, photographs, festivals or related articles.

Obr. 1 Interaactive Map USA

Obr. 2 Interactive map and detail
Each country contains another map (see Fig. 2), in which you can filter different types of content - article, photo, video or festival. After clicking on the individual icons, the articles we have written about the given state will be displayed; photographs or videos from the given state or organized festivals - everything is depicted in a specific location.
In addition to interactive maps, it is also interesting to be able to rent a car via the web in the USA or Canada. Just fill out a simple form (see Fig. 3), and you can easily arrange a car rental. Below on the page, there is a description, price aspects and other conditions of this service.

Obr. 3 Car rental - form
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